The Chinese Taoists of old developed a concept with practical implications to improving cycling performance – Wu Wei. Meaning 'natural action,' Wu Wei is often translated as 'do without doing.' Do without doing suggests that goals can be reached by doing nothing more than establishing the goal itself. But we all know that improving cycling performance requires more than establishing a goal. It requires taking positive steps towards achieving that goal. So, how then can one do without actually doing? What is this Wu Wei and how can it help improve cycling performance without actually doing something?
Thought of as such, Wu Wei is a difficult concept for the Western mind to fathom. Do something without actually doing it? Well, yes, in order to achieve your cycling goals, you must stop doing something else (without doing) in order to dedicate an appropriate amount of time towards achieving your goals. If improving cycling performance requires 10-15 hours per week of focused effort, and you don't have the time, then you need to stop doing something else in order to free up the time needed to accomplish your goals - the proverbial 'do without doing.'
Wu Wei really goes to the heart of what it takes to accomplish anything in life. Begin with a goal, focus on that goal, direct time and energy towards achieving that goal, and stop wasting time doing things that don't help you achieve your goals in life.
Begin with the end in mind - do without doing - improve your cycling performance by practicing Wu Wei.